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Corporate Chaos to Online Course Creator: How to Build a Life-Honoring Business with Katie Ferro Jul 18, 2022



You’re in for a treat today, Dreamers! I interviewed one of my very favorite people, Katie Ferro, and asked her to talk about her experience going from corporate chaos to...

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Reflections on Course Creation: What I Wish I Knew Before I Started Jul 11, 2022



As exhilarating as course creation can be, it’s also a daunting process to take all your ideas - and entire process, really- and boil it down to basics that others can...

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How Changes in Education Will Affect the Online Business Industry as a Whole Jul 04, 2022



If you’re like a lot of people I've talked to lately, the state of the world has you feeling a bit nervous. In the wake of all the economic upheaval, everything feels a tad...

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Come Behind the Scenes and See What Goes Into a Successful Launch Jun 27, 2022



Oh, launches. Should you do one? Do you need to do one? Have you recently made discoveries that would lend themselves to changes- hence the need for a new launch?

But what if...

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True Innovation Helps Your Learners and Improves Their Learning Experience Jun 20, 2022



Innovation is key to keeping your business new and fresh, however, innovation for innovation’s sake, or without a clear aim can lead to disaster. Let’s talk about how...

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Are we Still Beta Testing New Products? Only if They are Used Correctly Jun 13, 2022



Beta programs; forever one of the tried and true ways of working through any bugs or redundancies of your product or program… but are they still relevant in a fast-paced...

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Creating Courses is a Great Way to Generate Passive Streams of Income Jun 06, 2022



Before we dive right in, welcome! You’ve now entered into The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash...

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How a Positive Work Culture Can Actually Transform Your Business and Help it Thrive May 16, 2022



When people ask me for tips on making their businesses better or more profitable, they’re often surprised when I tell them to focus on creating a positive work culture and...

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