So You Wanna Be An Online Course Creator?
Nov 28, 2022
So you wanna be an online course creator? You’ve been hearing all about the power of online courses and the crazy passive income that they create. You’re seeing all the course creation gurus on Tiktok and you’re feeling pretty pumped about it.
You feel ready. You wanna grow your business, make more money, expand your reach in a way that doesn’t required huge time commitments out of your day-to-day.
100%! Creating an online course could be an amazing thing for you. So where to beginning?
Let’s talk the Digital Educator Academy: Dreampro’s Not-So-Little Sister
It goes without saying that we LOVE what we do at Dreampro. We love working closely with our clients as we design top-of-the-line online courses for them that deliver tangible results to their audience. But we also understand that not every entrepreneur or creator can afford a done-for-you online course creation service.
That’s exactly why we were inspired to create the Dreampro Digital Educator Academy. We wanted to create a library of online course creation resources so that EVERY business owner can learn how to create online courses that their audience deserves! Any one CAN be an incredible online course creator if you have the right resources and information.
There’s a lot to talk about when it comes to the Digital Educator Academy, but essentially it’s divided into four series (Course Creator, Educator, Marketer, and Leader). We have so much in the pipeline for the DDEA, including new series, new content, updated products, and more! If you’d like to read all about the Dreampro Digtial Educator Academy, you can go to this blog post here!
But for today, I want to focus on who the Dreampro Digital Educator Academy is for and who it is NOT for…
If you want to become an online course creator, DDEA is for you IF…
Let’s talk about who the Dreampro Digital Educator Academy is for:
Online course creators who want digital products to be an important & revenue generating arm of in their business
If you want to create a whole suite of digital products and offers for your audience, then the DDEA the expansive resource library is just for you. Our courses, mini-courses, ebooks, masterclasses, and more cover every topic from concept inception to learning styles, to launch and sales techniques, to building your team. So if you’re looking to stack your offer suite now or down the line, DDEA is definitely your jam.
Online Course Creators who value learner experiences & results as much or more than revenue
This is a BIG one for us. Yes, of course, we are all about the revenue potential and making some killer passive income, but what really makes an online course or digital product stand out is the quality of the material and the valuable experience that it offers.
So many of us have been there: investing in an online course that you think is going to change your life, only to come out on the other side disappointed. The Dreampro Digital Educator Academy is there to help you create that amazing, real-world-results, transformative experience that your audience wants.
Mission and impact focused businesses & creators who are not afraid to experiment and try something different
We can all tell the difference when a brand is really focused on their “why” and not just their “what.” It’s the same with small businesses and creators. Creating online courses and digital products that are mission and impact focused will create trust with your audience and foster a long term revenue stream.
It’s also important to keep trying things and evolving to meet the needs of your audience and keep up with your changing market. DDEA helps you stay up-to-date and experiment with your products so you can create resources that truly change lives.
DDEA is NOT for you IF…
And now for who the Digital Educator Academy is NOT for…
Someone who just wants to make digital products fast for quick cash
I feel like this goes without saying, but just in case: DDEA is not for some one who wants to create an online course ONLY to sell an online course. Putting out a subpar product just to hook a few “suckers” is not the Dreampro way. Dreampro and the Digital Eduactor Academy are here to help you create AMAZING, transformative products that build audience trust and create long-term income streams.
Someone who sees digital products as a diary for yourself versus a solution to someone else’s problem
There’s no reason why storytelling can’t be a part of your digital education products. In fact, sharing personal stories and details can be a really awesome way to engage and encourage your audience! But if the goal with your products is to focus on your journey rather than offering real solutions to your audience, you’re probably better off starting a vlog channel.
Someone who is not willing to put in the time and energy to build something long term
Being a standout online course creator requires true effort and a lot of thoughtfulness. At Dreampro, we use our years of experience in digital marketing, learning and development, education psychology, and online business to inform our online course creation process. So we’ve packaged all of that knowledge into DDEA - but it still requires the work.
If you found yourself agreeing at every turn…
And you feel in your gut that the Dreampro Digital Educator Academy is for you, then hell yeah! You are about to uplevel like you’ve never upleveled before!
Every product in the DDEA is available for individual purchase - so if you want to start with The Course Alchemist course or the Former Your Signature Framework masterclass, you totally can! If you wanna go all in, you can become a Dreampro Digital Educator Academy member and have access to the ENTIRE library of products! There are monthly and annual payment options to fit every person’s budget! You can learn all about pricing for DDEA here.
Become the online course creator that you aspire to be
I assume that if you’re still reading, then you are really feeling inspired to turn that million-dollar idea in your head into a million-dollar product.
My advice to you is this: make the dream product that YOU want to create. Don’t settle for anything less. And above all - STOP WAITING! You’ve got this, and I literally cannot wait to see the online course creator you become.
Become a Dreampro Digital Educator Academy member today and start making that dream a reality.
Ready to Launch Your Course? Join Dreampro Course Camp!
Create a professional, high-quality online course in just weeks. Learn proven strategies to bring your course to life at your own pace. Join Dreampro Course Camp today!