True Innovation Helps Your Learners and Improves Their Learning Experience

Jun 20, 2022
true innovation



Innovation is key to keeping your business new and fresh, however, innovation for innovation’s sake, or without a clear aim can lead to disaster. Let’s talk about how to avoid some common pitfalls that often follow business-wide changes that don’t center around one common thing- your client. 

Before we dive right in, welcome! You’ve now entered into The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash one bad course at a time. I am the creator of The Course Alchemist, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, and Curriculum and course design expert.

This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their digital product suite so their offers speak for themselves. Nothing is worse than being oversold into something that under-delivers just like an overpriced bottle of wine. So, if you’re ready to develop high-quality offers, bring in consistent revenue, and have a business with long-term results for you AND your clients, grab your drink and join us inside…



What IS Innovation

True innovation isn’t re-inventing your offerings or courses. It’s an improvement on the foundations of your business; a refinement of your purest mission, streamlining efficiency and new vision into a vehicle of change for your course.



It’s thinking outside of the box and instead of relying on what’s always worked, it’s seeking evermore efficient and optimal solutions. It isn’t rash or impulsive- instead, it’s the result of thoughtful discernment that’s informed by your own life experiences and the way they apply to the needs and wants of your clients.



Questions to Ask: The Bottomline

To understand your own unique evolution, you have to ask three simple questions, both of which have impactful answers.

The first is: What is your unique perspective? In other words, this question seeks to answer and showcase why you’re different from your myriad competitors. It seeks to highlight the personal side of your business, and shares pieces of your own unique methodology and life experiences you’ve brought to the table. In a world full of (probably) similar offers, this is the stuff that’s going to stand out and make you memorable, relatable, and attract like-minded clients.

The second question you need to ask is: What will make life easier for my learners? Never forget that the entire reason you do what you do is to help people solve something in their lives. Using the method of thinking backward is huge in this arena, if you can brainstorm a solution you can then start working out a coherent path to reach it.

The third question is- where is a gap you can fill? What have your learners been through, what other courses might they have taken, and how can you improve upon that experience without them needing to ask?

It’s also important to make sure your clients know that you’ve thought of them and their needs throughout their course. This could be as simple as following up with feedback or implementing their comments or questions into your course, but it could also be you anticipating their needs and placing thoughtful content into your course without them having to ask. These small touches go a long way in helping your customer feel cared for, seen, and will give them a positive experience they will remember. 

No matter how you slice it, innovation is a vital component of growing your business and keeping it relevant. If it’s not done carefully, however, you stand the chance of going off the rails or making your established business unrecognizable. That’s why it’s important to remember why you started, and even more important to remember where you want to go.

If you enjoyed the episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps me fulfill my mission of improving the quality of learning in the online business industry. Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories and tag me @dreamprocourses.

See you next week!

P.S. - Creating a truly transformational course doesn’t have to feel overwhelming! Join The Course Alchemist today to begin concocting your secret elixir for creating courses that deliver extraordinary transformations and leave your clients spellbound.

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