How to Use Courses to Create a Profitable Business Model for Your Service Agency

Sep 20, 2021
service based business model



In this episode of The Dreamer’s Lounge Podcast, I want to talk all about how courses have changed my business not only as a done-for-you service provider, but also as a former coach. To hear all about how you can use courses to create a profitable service-based business model and increase your income over time, stay tuned! 

But before we dive right in, welcome! You’ve now entered into The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash one bad course at a time. I am the creator of The Course Alchemist, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, and Curriculum and course design expert.

This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their digital product suite so their offers speak for themselves. Nothing is worse than being oversold into something that under-delivers just like an overpriced bottle of wine. So, if you’re ready to develop high-quality offers, bring in consistent revenue, and have a business with long-term results for you AND your clients, grab your drink and join us inside…

And today, we're going to be talking all about how I leverage my course as an agency. For all the details, be sure to listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform!



The role courses play in my businesses then and now.  

When I was working as a coach, having courses was KEY. I had a few different courses at the time, and it was great because it kept the versatility. I used each course in different programs, and I even sold them in course-only versions so that it was really integral to what I was doing. 

Having The Course Alchemist is really great for my business because I can point people to it whenever I need to and whenever they can't afford my done-for-you services. A lot of people aren't ready for that investment, and that's totally okay!

I always want to have something that's accessible to everyone, which is where my courses come into play. Having a course is a great way to guide those people that aren't able to do the things they want to just yet.


Adding another stream of income with courses. 

When it comes to The Course Alchemist, I do a live launch about two times a year, and in between that I’m constantly evergreen selling it. I run paid ads to my mini-course that lead into The Course Alchemist but I also keep it available on my website, social media, etc. 

What I found was that when I kept it up on my pages, people were still enrolling when they were coming across my page. They were still seeing what I was about, and they were binging on my highlights. 

I ended up having this source of income that I wasn't even paying much attention to because it was so consistent. Leveraging this course has allowed me to take a break and step back from my done-for-you services when I needed to.



Breaking your course up into different offers. 

Another great thing about leveraging a course is being able to break it up into different digital offers. I have a mini-course and a freebie, and all that content was taken out of The Course Alchemist!

I was able to repackage it in different ways in order to bring people into my course. When doing this, it has to be done VERY strategically and this is something I want to help a lot of our done-for-you clients with. Breaking up your offer into multiple different products is going to help you utilize every aspect of your business. 

I recommend this tip to all business owners because it's something that's absolutely needed, especially because breaking up your offers provides you with all those different streams of income. Things can change in an instant and you don't want to be reliant on just one single offer.



How to Use Courses to Create a Profitable Business Model for Your Service Agency: The Bottomline

I hope you enjoyed reading this post, and I hope you learned how you can take your courses and leverage them in your service-based business model. There is so much potential when it comes to your course and being able to get the most out of it is key. I highly encourage you to bottle up your expertise and share your knowledge because it's going to provide you with so many open doors and opportunities. 

Thanks so much for stopping by The Dreamer’s Lounge! If you enjoyed the episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps me fulfill my mission of improving the quality of learning in the online business industry. Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories and tag me @dreamprocourses. See you next week!

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