Tips to Put You First: How to Prioritize Yourself and Watch Your Business Grow

May 09, 2022
prioritize yourself



We hear it all the time- hustle, grind, mom boss. We’re bombarded with messages that if we’re not working ourselves practically to death then we’re not working hard enough and we’re not going to be successful. 

If you fall into this line of thinking, it starts to feel like doing anything for yourself is selfish and lazy. But when you really think about it, the bottom line or profit margin isn’t going to keep you company in a hospital bed, which is where you’ll end up if you don’t start taking care of yourself. 

But before we dive right in, welcome! You’ve now entered into The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash one bad course at a time. I am the creator of The Course Alchemist, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, and Curriculum and course design expert.

This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their digital product suite so their offers speak for themselves. Nothing is worse than being oversold into something that under-delivers just like an overpriced bottle of wine. So, if you’re ready to develop high-quality offers, bring in consistent revenue, and have a business with long-term results for you AND your clients, grab your drink and join us inside…



Health is Actually Wealth

This isn’t the part where I tell you that you have to run 10 miles a day and eat nothing but cucumbers to be “healthy”. Health is so much more than how you look- it’s how you feel both physically and mentally, it’s the hundred little actions you do a day that adds up to how you feel as you crawl into bed.



Your priorities dictate your business and your quality of life, and while it’s really easy to tell yourself that you just need to “hustle” now so you can play later, I’d like to remind you that there are no guarantees. This is not to say that you should retire now at the ripe old age of 35 and sail off into the sunset sans plan or purpose, but just remember that in everything there is a balance to be had. 



Practical Ways I Prioritized My Health: The Bottomline

If it feels hard, you’re not going to keep it up. That's why I’m excited to share small tweaks I undertook to help make me a more well-rounded and present person, in tune with my body and mind.

First off, since my business is mainly through social media, I limited myself to 1 hour of scrolling a day. That may seem like it’s still a lot of time, but it’s really not. I can tell you that the amount of time I save myself from mindlessly scrolling has truly transformed my productivity and overall happiness and ability to be present. In the same social media vein, I did a massive unfollowing. If a person or account made me feel bad about myself or didn’t “spark joy” I Marie Condo-ed it right out of my life. I do not have time (literally I only have an hour, remember?)

I also started to go to therapy which is a game-changer. If you have the means and access to find the right therapeutic fit for you and your mental health goals I cannot recommend this enough. Finding a neutral third party with no stake in the game to evaluate and offer a neutral perspective is invaluable for your growth and well-being. 

Also, (#notanad) I gave in and got a Peloton, and can I just say, YES. For me, workouts have to be fun and no pressure, otherwise I will dig in my heels and refuse. I know it seems like a cyclical cult, but really it’s fun, varied, and convenient. I dare you to get one and not love it. I’ve also started to track my weight and food to see where I can make healthier choices, but this might be triggering for some of you, so tread lightly.

I’ve enforced stronger boundaries about when I work, and this has been so freeing. When you’re your own boss it’s easy to fall into the habit of never shutting down, but it’s so important for you to be present with your family and just make time to wind down. This one is hard to hear, but in the name of winding down, you really need to get off your phone at least an hour before bed. It really does help with sleep. Ugh. I’ve also started using Delta 8 for a sound and lasting sleep, but if that makes you uneasy melatonin or even sleepy tea are good options to try.

Lastly, I’ve started taking enrichment courses just for fun-  I’m not trying to learn anything I can apply to my business, I’m just trying to expand my knowledge, observe and try new things. It’s been eye-opening and I hope to take more.

These are just a few simple things that, especially when combined will go a long way in helping you achieve a more balanced, happy, and healthy life.

If you enjoyed the episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps me fulfill my mission of improving the quality of learning in the online business industry. Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories and tag me @dreamprocourses.

See you next week!

P.S. - Creating a truly transformational course doesn’t have to feel overwhelming! Join The Course Alchemist today to begin concocting your secret elixir for creating courses that deliver extraordinary transformations and leave your clients spellbound.

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