Different Types of Learners and How You Can Keep Them in Mind When Creating Your Next Course

Aug 16, 2021
different types of learners



In this episode of The Dreamer’s Lounge Podcast, I’m going to be talking all about the four different types of learners and why you should always keep them in mind when creating your courses. You should be designing your program for all types of individuals and I'm going to show you just how to do that so stay tuned! 

But before we dive right in, welcome! You’ve now entered into The Dreamer’s Lounge! I’m Ariel Schiffer, and I have made it my mission to take out the digital trash one bad course at a time. I am the creator of The Course Alchemist, Industrial Organizational Psychologist, and Curriculum and course design expert.

This podcast is for entrepreneurs who are looking to elevate their digital product suite so their offers speak for themselves. Nothing is worse than being oversold into something that under delivers just like an overpriced bottle of wine. So, if you’re ready to develop high quality offers, bring in consistent revenue, and have a business with long-term results for you AND your clients, grab your drink and join us inside…

And today, we’re discussing the different types of learners and how you can apply these when you create your next course. For all the details, be sure to listen to the ENTIRE episode on your favorite streaming platform!



Learner #1: Visual Vanessa. 

(Yes, I’m giving these people names to make it more fun and understandable.)

Visual Vanessa connects and recalls information the easiest through visual cues. What this means is that she loves graphics, charts, imagery, slides, and all those fun things. This is why I tell people to stray away from talking face-to-camera the entire time because it could be very unappealing to this type of learner. 

Visual Vanessa also benefits from taking notes herself so that she can actually see them in front of her. People who are visual like to take their own notes because it helps them retain information waaaay better. 

This type of learner is most likely walking around with a bullet journal and would probably love it if your course had an option to see captions.


Learner #2: Auditory Allison.

Auditory Allison learns best when information is presented orally to them. They benefit from listening to presentations, videos, group discussions, programs, audio recording, etc. If they need to remember a certain piece of information, they'll repeat it out loud so that they can mentally hear the way the information is explained. 

In that case, private podcasts are great for these types of learners because they’re always listening and replaying over and over. 

Be sure to use a lot of acronyms, music, and frameworks that could be recalled verbally with this type of learner. This is definitely a psychological thing that is used as an anchor to learning as well. 



Learner #3: Read It Renee.

Read it Renee learns best when information and content are presented visually AND written. These types of people prefer when the visual aid lists out essential points such as checklists, outlines, articles, workbooks, etc. 

They like to study by themselves in quiet environments such as the library. You would probably find these learners reading textbooks line by line because they have a need to see it on paper to fully comprehend it. 

They visualize certain information in their mind's eyes in order to remember something, which is super interesting. A lot of the time courses are presented fully in writing so making sure there is content for visual and verbal learners is important.


Learner #4: Tactile Tania.

Tactile Tania learns best by doing. 

How can you target this type of learner? 

Create a lot of screen sharing and templates with explanations on how the course taker can move forward. Show them what to do and how to do it. 

These types of learners are very hands-on and like to do things themselves. They feel better about a concept when they can immediately practice and apply it to their lives. They don't just want to binge videos for hours because that gets too overwhelming. 

They enjoy the hands-on part of the course, even if it's digital.


Different Types of Learners and How You Can Keep Them in Mind When Creating Your Next Course: The Bottomline

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and I hope it gave you a lot of insight into who the different types of learners are that are taking your courses. If your content does not apply to every type of learner, you're going to lose people very easily. It's important to make sure you're visually showcasing your course in a way everyone can understand! 

For more guidance on creating profitable courses that’ll scale your biz, you can join the Course Alchemist Waitlist here.

Thanks so much for stopping by The Dreamer’s Lounge! If you enjoyed the episode please take a second to rate & review. Each review helps me fulfill my mission of improving the quality of learning in the online business industry. Don’t forget to take a screenshot, share it in your Instagram stories and tag me @dreamprocourses. See you next week!

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